Yuzhe Qin

Robot Learning
UC San Diego


I am a forth-year Ph.D. candidate at UC San Diego, coadvised by Prof. Xiaolong Wang and Prof. Hao Su. Prior to joining UCSD, I earned my bachelor's degree from the School of Mechanical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I've also had great experiences working with the robotics teams at Google[X] and NVIDIA. Additionally, I was honored with the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship in 2023.

My research lies in the areas of dexterous manipulation using humanoid robot hands, 3D perception, and both Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Imitation Learning (IL). Additionally, I am interested in the creation of lifelike robotic simulation environments and the transfer of robot policies, trained in these simulation contexts, to real-world hardware.


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CyberDemo: Augmenting Simulated Human Demonstration for Real-World Dexterous Manipulation
Jun Wang*, Yuzhe Qin*, Kaiming Kuang, Yigit Korkmaz, Akhilan Gurumoorthy,
Hao Su, Xiaolong Wang
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024
[project] [paper] [video]

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DexTouch: Learning to Seek and Manipulate Objects with Tactile Dexterity
Kang-Won Lee, Yuzhe Qin, Xiaolong Wang*, Soo-Chul Lim*
arXiv, 2024
[project] [paper] [video]

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Robot Synesthesia: In-Hand Manipulation with Visuotactile Sensing
Ying Yuan*, Haichuan Che*, Yuzhe Qin*, Binghao Huang, Zhao-Heng Yin,
Kang-Won Lee, Yi Wu, Soo-Chul Lim, Xiaolong Wang
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024
[project] [paper] [video]

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Sim2Real Manipulation on Unknown Objects with Tactile-based Reinforcement Learning
Entong Su, Chengzhe Jia, Yuzhe Qin, Wenxuan Zhou, Annabella Macaluso, Binghao Huang, Xiaolong Wang
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024
[project] [paper]

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GenSim: Generating Robotic Simulation Tasks via Large Language Models
Lirui Wang, Yiyang Ling*, Zhecheng Yuan*, Mohit Shridhar, Chen Bao,
Yuzhe Qin, Bailin Wang, Huazhe Xu, Xiaolong Wang
International Conference of Learning Representation (ICLR) 2024
[project] [paper] [code] [demo] [video]

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ContactArt: Learning 3D Interaction Priors for Category-level Articulated Object
and Hand Poses Estimation

Zehao Zhu*, Jiashun Wang*, Yuzhe Qin, Deqing Sun, Varun Jampani, Xiaolong Wang
International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) 2024 (Oral)
[project] [paper] [data]

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Dynamic Handover: Throw and Catch with Bimanual Hands
Binghao Huang*, Yuanpei Chen*, Tianyu Wang, Yuzhe Qin, Yaodong Yang,
Nikolay Atanasov, Xiaolong Wang
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2023
[project] [paper] [code] [video]

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Part-Guided 3D RL for Sim2Real Articulated Object Manipulation
Pengwei Xie*, Rui Chen*, Siang Chen*, Yuzhe Qin, Fanbo Xiang, Tianyu Sun,
Jing Xu, Guijin Wang, Hao Su
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2023
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024
[paper] [code] [video]

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Rotating without Seeing: Towards In-hand Dexterity through Touch
Zhao-Heng Yin*, Binghao Huang*, Yuzhe Qin, Qifeng Chen, Xiaolong Wang
Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2023
[project] [paper] [video]

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EasyHeC: Accurate and Automatic Hand-eye Calibration via Differentiable Rendering
and Space Exploration

Linghao Chen, Yuzhe Qin, Hao Su
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2023
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024
[project] [paper] [code] [video]

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DexArt: Benchmarking Generalizable Dexterous Manipulation with Articulated Objects
Chen Bao*, Helin Xu*, Yuzhe Qin, Xiaolong Wang
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023
[project] [paper] [code] [video]

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Abstract-to-Executable Trajectory Translation for One-Shot Task Generalization
Stone Tao, Xiaochen Li, Tongzhou Mu, Zhiao Huang, Yuzhe Qin, Hao Su
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2023
[project] [paper] [code] [video]

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Learning Continuous Grasping Function with a Dexterous Hand from Human Demonstrations
Jianglong Ye*, Jiashun Wang*, Binghao Huang, Yuzhe Qin, Xiaolong Wang
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2023
[project] [paper] [video]

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A Real2Sim2Real Method for Robust Object Grasping with Neural Surface Reconstruction
Luobin Wang, Runlin Guo, Quan Vuong, Yuzhe Qin, Hao Su, Henrik Christensen
IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) 2023
[paper] [video]

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Close the Optical Sensing Domain Gap by Physics-Grounded Active Stereo Sensor Simulation
Xiaoshuai Zhang*, Rui Chen*, Ang Li, Fanbo Xiang, Yuzhe Qin, Jiayuan Gu, Zhan Ling, Minghua Liu, Peiyu Zeng, Songfang Han, Zhiao Huang, Tongzhou Mu, Jing Xu, Hao Su
IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO) 2023
[project] [paper] [code] [video]

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DexPoint: Generalizable Point Cloud Reinforcement Learning for Sim-to-Real Dexterous Manipulation
Yuzhe Qin*, Binghao Huang*, Zhao-Heng Yin, Hao Su, Xiaolong Wang
Conference of Robot Learning (CoRL) 2022
[project] [paper] [code] [video] [slides]

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From One Hand to Multiple Hands: Imitation Learning for Dexterous Manipulation
from Single-Camera Teleoperation

Yuzhe Qin, Hao Su*, Xiaolong Wang*
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2022
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2022
[project] [paper] [code] [video] [slides]

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DexMV: Imitation Learning for Dexterous Manipulation from Human Videos
Yuzhe Qin*, Yueh-Hua Wu*, Shaowei Liu, Hanwen Jiang, Ruihan Yang, Yang Fu, Xiaolong Wang
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2022
[project] [paper] [code] [video]

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Vision-Guided Quadrupedal Locomotion in the Wild with Multi-Modal Delay Randomization
Chieko Sarah Imai*, Minghao Zhang*, Yuchen Zhang*, Marcin Kierebiński,
Ruihan Yang, Yuzhe Qin, Xiaolong Wang
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2022
[project] [paper] [code] [video]

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O2O-Afford: Annotation-Free Large-Scale Object-Object Affordance Learning
Kaichun Mo, Yuzhe Qin, Fanbo Xiang, Hao Su and Leonidas J. Guibas
Conference of Robot Learning (CoRL) 2021
[project] [paper] [code] [video]

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OCRTOC: A Cloud-Based Competition and Benchmark for Robotic Grasping and Manipulation
Ziyuan Liu, Wei Liu, Yuzhe Qin, Fanbo Xiang, Songyan Xin, Maximo A Roa,
Berk Calli, Hao Su, Yu Sun, Ping Tan
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2021
[website] [paper] [code] [video]

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CAPTRA: CAtegory-level Pose Tracking for Rigid and Articulated Objects from Point Clouds
Yijia Weng*, He Wang*, Qiang Zhou, Yuzhe Qin, Yueqi Duan, Qingnan Fan,
Baoquan Chen, Hao Su, Leonidas J. Guibas
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2021 (Oral)
[project] [paper] [code] [video]

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SAPIEN: A SimulAted Part-based Interactive ENvironment
Fanbo Xiang, Yuzhe Qin, Kaichun Mo, Yikuan Xia, Hao Zhu, Fangchen Liu, Minghua Liu,
Hanxiao Jiang, Yifu Yuan, He Wang, Li Yi, Angel X.Chang, Leonidas J. Guibas and Hao Su
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2020 (Oral)
[project] [paper] [code] [video]

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Composing Task-Agnostic Policies with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Ahmed Qureshi, Jacob Johnson, Yuzhe Qin, Taylor Henderson, Byron Boots, Michael Yip
International Conference of Learning Representation (ICLR) 2020
[project] [paper] [code]

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S4G: Amodal Single-view Single-Shot SE(3) Grasp Detection in Cluttered Scenes
Yuzhe Qin*, Rui Chen*, Hao Zhu, Meng Song, Jing Xu, Hao Su
Conference of Robot Learning (CoRL) 2019
[project] [paper] [code] [video]

Work Experience

Professional Activities